Source code for microesb.microesb

# ]*[ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ]*[
#  .                         Micro ESB Python Module                         .
# ]*[ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ]*[
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#  .  Copyright Claus Prüfer (2016 - 2024)                                   .
#  .                                                                         .
#  .                                                                         .
# ]*[ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ]*[

import abc
import sys
import logging
import importlib
import esbconfig

from microesb.transformer import JSONTransformer

[docs]class BaseHandler(JSONTransformer): """ Abstract Base Class (ABC) Meta Class. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] def __init__(self): """ :ivar classref logger: logging logger reference :ivar dict[SYSProperties] _SYSProperties: internal properties processing dict :ivar classref _SYSParentObject: internal (hierarchical) class instance ref :ivar list[classref] _SYSClassNames: internal class refs dict (should be renamed to _SYSClassRefs) """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._SYSProperties = None self._SYSParentObject = None self._SYSClassNames = [] super().__init__()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def _add_class(self): """ Abstract _add_class() method. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_properties(self): """ Abstract set_properties() method. """
[docs] def iterate(self): """ Recursive iterate through hierarchical class instances. """ yield self for x in self: for y in x.iterate(): yield y
[docs] def add_properties(self, properties, parent_instance): """ add_properties() method. :param dict properties: system properties dictionary :param classref parent_instance: parent class instance reference The ClassMapper recursively adds instance properties by calling add_properties() method on initialization for each existing class instance. """ properties = self._add_sys_default_properties(properties) self.logger.debug('add properties:{}'.format(properties)) self._SYSParentObject = parent_instance setattr(self, '_SYSProperties', properties) for p_key, p_value in properties.items(): setattr(self, p_key, p_value['default'])
[docs] def _add_sys_default_properties(self, properties): """ _add_sys_default_properties() method. :param dict properties: system properties dictionary Enhance (add) system default properties dictionary by properties dict defined inside this method. Currently 'SYSServiceMethod' is the only system property added. :return: properties :rtype: dict """ properties['SYSServiceMethod'] = { 'type': 'str', 'default': None, 'required': False, 'description': 'System Service Method' } return properties
[docs] def _set_property(self, key, value): """ _set_property() method. :param str key: property key name :param str value: property value """ if key in self._SYSProperties: setattr(self, key, value)
@property def parent_object(self): """ parent_object() method. :return: self._SYSParentObject :rtype: classref Decorated with @property so direct property access possible """ return self._SYSParentObject @property def properties(self): """ properties() method. :return: self._SYSProperties :rtype: dict Decorated with @property so direct property access possible """ return self._SYSProperties @property def class_count(self): """ class_count() method. :return: len(self._SYSClassNames) :rtype: int Decorated with @property so direct property access possible """ return len(self._SYSClassNames) @property def class_name(self): """ class_name() method. :return: self.__class__.__name__ :rtype: str Decorated with @property so direct property access possible """ return self.__class__.__name__ def get_value_by_property_id(self, id): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ClassHandler(BaseHandler): """ ClassHandler class. Inherits BaseHandler class. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ :ivar str _SYSType: const internal system type to differentiate handler types """ super().__init__() self._SYSType = 'class_instance'
[docs] def __add__(self, args): """ overloaded internal __add__() method (+ operator). :param dict args: class setup dictionary _add_class() "wrapper" primary used for ClassMapper. >>> args = { >>> 'class_name': class_name, >>> 'class_ref': class_ref >>> } >>> parent_instance + args """ self._add_class(**args)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ overloaded internal __iter__() method. Overloaded for using iter() on class references. """ for class_name in self._SYSClassNames: yield getattr(self, class_name)
[docs] def _add_class(self, *, class_name, class_ref): """ _add_class() method. :param dict *: used for passing params as **args dictionary :param str class_name: class name :param classref class_ref: class instance reference Append class_name to self._SYSClassNames. Setup new class instance in global namespace. Primary called by overloaded __add__() method. """ self._SYSClassNames.append(class_ref) new_class = globals()[class_ref] instance = new_class() setattr(self, class_name, instance)
[docs] def set_properties(self, item_dict): """ set_properties() method. :param dict item_dict: properties dictionary Iterates over item_dict and calls self._set_property(property_id, value) foreach item. """ for property_id, value in item_dict.items(): self._set_property(property_id, value)
[docs] def set_json_dict(self): """ set_json_dict() method. Preprare self.json_dict from self._SYSProperties (used by JSONTransformer). """ self.logger.debug('self._SYSProperties:{}'.format(self._SYSProperties)) for property_id in self._SYSProperties: self.logger.debug('processing property:{}'.format(property_id)) self.json_dict[property_id] = getattr(self, property_id)
[docs]class MultiClassHandler(BaseHandler): """ MultiObject handler class. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ :ivar str _SYSType: const internal system type to differentiate handler types :ivar list[object] _object_container: object instance container """ super().__init__() self._SYSType = 'multiclass_container' self._object_container = []
[docs] def __iter__(self): """ overloaded internal __iter__() method. Overloaded for using iter() on class references. """ for class_instance in self._object_container: yield class_instance
[docs] def _add_class(self): """ _add_class() method. :return: instance :rtype: object instance Setup class instance and append it to self._object_container. """ self.logger.debug('Add class multiclass handler') new_class = globals()[self.class_name] instance = new_class() setattr(instance, '_SYSProperties', getattr(self, '_SYSProperties')) setattr(instance, '_SYSParentObject', getattr(self, '_SYSParentObject')) setattr(instance, '_SYSType', 'multiclass_instance') self._object_container.append(instance) return instance
[docs] def set_properties(self, property_list): """ set_properties() method. :param list property_list: properties dictionary Setup class instance and append it to self._object_container. """ for class_config in property_list: instance = self._add_class() for var, value in class_config.items(): instance._set_property(var, value)
[docs] def set_json_dict(self): """ set_json_dict() method. Preprare self.json_dict from self (self._object_container)). """ self.logger.debug('Object container:{}'.format(self._object_container)) class_name = self.class_name self.json_dict[class_name] = [] for class_instance in self: self.logger.debug('Loop class instance:{}'.format(dir(class_instance))) class_instance.set_instance_json_dict() self.json_dict[class_name].append(class_instance.json_dict) if len(self.json_dict[class_name]) == 0: del self.json_dict[class_name]
[docs] def set_instance_json_dict(self): """ set_instance_json_dict() method. Preprare self.json_dict from self._SYSProperties (used by JSONTransformer). """ for property_id in self._SYSProperties: try: self.json_dict[property_id] = getattr(self, property_id) except Exception as e: pass
[docs]class ClassMapper(ClassHandler): """ Class Mapper class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, class_references, class_mappings, class_properties): """ :param dict *: used for passing params as **args dictionary :param dict class_references: class references dictionary :param dict class_mappings: class mappings dictionary :param dict class_properties: class properties dictionary :ivar dict _class_mappings: set from class_mappings param :ivar dict _class_properties: set from class_properties param :ivar dict _class_references: set from class_references param :ivar dict _class_hierarchy: internally used to map parent instances """ super().__init__() self._class_mappings = class_mappings self._class_properties = class_properties self._class_references = class_references root_class = next(iter(class_references)) root_index = class_references[root_class] self._class_hierarchy = {} call_dict = { 'class_name': root_class, 'children': root_index['children'], 'property_ref': root_index['property_ref'], 'parent_instance': self, } self._map(**call_dict)
def __repr__(self): """ overloaded __repr__() method. Print out class mappings, properties and references. """ return 'Class mappings:{} properties:{} references:{}'.format( self._class_mappings, self._class_properties, self._class_references )
[docs] def _get_mapping(self, class_name): """ _get_mapping() method. :param str class_name: mapping class_name :return: self._class_mappings[class_name] :rtype: str Get class name from class_mappings dictionary by class_name. """ return self._class_mappings[class_name]
[docs] def get_references(self): """ get_references() method. :return: self._class_references :rtype: dict Get class references dictionary. """ return self._class_references
[docs] def _map( self, *, class_name, property_ref, parent_instance, children={} ): """ _map() method. :param dict *: used for passing params as **args dictionary :param str class_name: (root) class name :param dict property_ref: property reference dictionary :param classref parent_instance: property reference dictionary :param dict children: children definition dictionary Recursive map class hierarchy / class instances. """ self.logger.debug( 'class_name:{} property_ref:{} parent_instance:{} children:{}'.format( class_name, property_ref, parent_instance, children, ) ) class_ref = self._get_mapping(class_name) self._class_hierarchy[class_name] = parent_instance args = { 'class_name': class_name, 'class_ref': class_ref } parent_instance + args child_instance = getattr(parent_instance, class_name) child_instance.add_properties( self._class_properties[property_ref]['properties'], parent_instance ) for child_class_name, child_class_config in children.items(): child_class_config['class_name'] = child_class_name child_class_config['parent_instance'] = child_instance self._map(**child_class_config)
[docs]class ServiceMapper(ClassHandler): """ Service Mapper class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, class_mapper, service_call_data): """ :param dict *: used for passing params as **args dictionary :param classref class_mapper: class mapper instance reference :param dict service_call_data: service call metadata dictionary :ivar classref _class_mapper: set from class_mapper param """ super().__init__() self._class_mapper = class_mapper class_references = self._class_mapper.get_references() root_class = next(iter(class_references)) root_index = class_references[root_class] call_dict = { 'class_name': root_class, 'children': root_index['children'], 'parent_instance': self._class_mapper, 'hierarchy': service_call_data } self._map(**call_dict) try: for class_ref, class_props in class_references.items(): for method_def in class_mapper._class_properties['SYSBackendMethods']: if method_def[1] == 'on_recursion_finish': self.logger.debug('SYSBackendMethod:{}'.format(method_def[0])) try: getattr(getattr(self._class_mapper, class_ref), method_def[0])() except Exception as e: pass except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('SYSBackendMethods preocessing exception:{}'.format(e))
[docs] def _map( self, *, class_name, parent_instance, hierarchy, children={}, property_ref=None ): """ _map() method. :param dict *: used for passing params as **args dictionary :param str class_name: (root) class name :param classref parent_instance: property reference dictionary :param dict hierarchy: (root) class setup item :param dict children: children definition dictionary :param dict property_ref: property reference dictionary Recursive process class hierarchy / service properties mapping. """ self.logger.debug( 'class_name:{} parent_instance:{} children:{} hierarchy:{}'.format( class_name, parent_instance, children, hierarchy ) ) class_instance = getattr(parent_instance, class_name) try: hierarchy = hierarchy[class_name] class_instance.set_properties(hierarchy) try: getattr(class_instance, class_instance.SYSServiceMethod)() except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('SYSServiceMethod call exception:{}'.format(e)) for child_class_name, child_class_config in children.items(): child_class_config['class_name'] = child_class_name child_class_config['parent_instance'] = class_instance child_class_config['hierarchy'] = hierarchy self._map(**child_class_config) try: for ci in class_instance._object_container: getattr(ci, ci.SYSServiceMethod)() except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('SYSServiceMethod call exception:{}'.format(e)) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Class reference in service call metadata not set:{}'.format(e)) pass
[docs]class ServiceExecuter(object): """ Service Executer class. """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def execute(self, class_mapper, service_data): """ :param classref class_mapper: class mapper instance reference :param list service_data: list of service call metadata dictionary items """ rlist = [] for item in service_data['data']: res = ServiceMapper( class_mapper=class_mapper, service_call_data=item ) rlist.append(res) return rlist
# import classes into current namespace current_mod = sys.modules[__name__] import_classes = esbconfig.import_classes for module_name in import_classes: mod_ref = importlib.import_module(module_name) for class_name in import_classes[module_name]: setattr(current_mod, class_name, getattr(mod_ref, class_name))